
OPI RS Radiance 038

+ any black as the undercoat will work :)

Will be updating with my video tutorial tonight (if I decide to stay up) or tomorrow (most likely) because my back is killing me.

Update 3.26.11 @ 5:31pm

Turns out my back and muscle pains were actually signs of food poisoning or the stomach flu. Been laying in my bed since Thursday night.. hence my blog updates and two YouTube videos that were uploaded, woo hoo :)

So here's the video on the nails that I recorded and edited. It took me a while to find the perfect song to blend it in with (I prefer videos with music, I don't understand how some people can watch videos without the help of music, I mean, I personally don't find anyone THAT entertaining to watch without music.)

So during my search I discovered this amazing band "Les Hommes" that I will be following starting now :) I hope some of you enjoy jazz like myself. I find this music much more pleasing to the ear than the stuff that are over promoted now a days.