
On The 21st Floor

Sushi is one of my favorite foods, the other is Italian. So when Groupon had this offer for Takami (I think it was $20 for $50) I jumped on it immediately. I have to admit, before actually going to the restaurant and seeing the prices of the food, the bff and I thought it was going to be a ridiculous 2 pieces of sushi for $50 kind of thing but when we got there and waited for our table, it was a sigh of relief. Lesson learned to do research on the company/restaurant before purchasing a coupon..

Overall, the bff and I had an amazing night. We got our favorite rolls and she tried my favorite dish "Spicy Tuna on Crispy Rice" for the first time. Not surprising that she only preferred the bottom piece of the rice, haha. Anyways, read more of my review on yelp to hear more about my thoughts on the restaurant. Enjoy the pictures!

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