
Knight and Day.

Another habit I should of picked up on as to why I have been getting chubs is that when I wake up to take Jennie to school, I find myself drooling watching her eat milk & cereal or whatever she's eating. I usually stay good and just go straight back to my bed but then there are days where I'm bad and can't seem to fight the hungry monster. Today was one of the bad days.

Ended up microwaving last night's dinner. XO Eggplant and Mayo Walnut Shrimp.

Meeko's crafty car seat.

Picked up some groceries at Trader Joe's.

Another attempt at "making" dinner.

Tonight's dinner includes:
-Instant orange chicken
-Wannabe Greek Salad
-Sweet Potato Chips
-Kane Diet Cola

This is just sad.
One of the skills I lack is cooking and it's important to know how to cook :(
I really need to spend some more time to learn how to cook more because it's the one category I am failing at being the #1 Big Sister + I'm sure my future husband would appreciate if he married someone who would have a delicious meal waiting for him when he'd get home from work.

Lillian & Mei Lin.

5 out of 5 stars!

What originally was suppose to be a clubbing night turned into a movie night. Loved it!

I prefer techno, house, trance, rock, and even country over rap and r&b! So to pay $10 and sometimes $20 to be in a room full of sweaty girls I would never find myself associating with and guys who are just there because they want to get some dry humping action, no thanks! I much rather be munching on a bag of Hot Cheetos that'll give me some pimples and a movie any night!