
productive day.

Woke up at 10am and actually felt quite okay :) I'm trying to get back into the habit of healthy sleeping or is it sleeping healthy? I hope to make it into bed every night at midnight or 1am at latest. Starting myself off by waking up at 10am and slowly hoping to make the point of waking up at 6 or 7am is my goal. Not bad for someone who's been sleeping at 3-5am and waking up at 1-3pm! Dear dark eye circles, I am sorry.

Tasks completed today:

-Washed the garage
-Washed Meeko
-Stopped by the San Gabriel Humane Society (have to return tmrw.)
-Got gas $40.. geez.
-Dropped off Meeko at aunt's place

-Create a whole new intern database for 2010
-Update GoldenRuleLA Twitter
-Update GoldenRuleLA Facebook+upload FIDM Career Connections Photos
-Update Carrie Zack Events Twitter

-Empty+organize emails!!!
-Drop off emergency bag at Demis for wedding in Tahoe this weekend