
Twinkie and one of the best.

I wasn't feeling too dressy this week so I just wore one of my favorite printed tops, leggings, and flip flops.

Top: Danny Roberts for Forever21, Leggings: Forever21, Handbag: RUEHL, Flip Flops: The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising
There are some people who you meet in life and they become some of the greatest people you know.

Riley Mason, who was first off as my teacher, later Peer Counseling advisor, now friend. As a teacher he taught me some of the most important lessons in school, as an advisor of the Peer Counseling Program, he created some of the most amazing class activities that helped me find myself as a person. He continues to provide me with wise words of wisdom.

Today, we met up at one of the places I had bookmarked on Yelp, & been wanting to try, The Corner Bakery in Pasadena. I finally got to meet his pup Twinkie who is a total sweetheart! My sister also joined us since I had picked her up from summer school and didn't stop by home. We finished off the day before we went home grocery shopping at Trader Joe's.

We try to get together at least once every month if our schedules allows us to but regardless, he's become a Facebook addict so our friendship is far from the rocks!

I hope this brings a smile to your face when you read this Mr. Mason! :)