
The Daily Love.

With the "depression" due to the economy right now many of us need that extra lift of positivity. There are many good people in the world and some of us are doing as little as donating some money to a good cause, helping out at a soup kitchen, charity work, etc...

Mastin Kipp, founder and writer of The Daily Love, is an individual who's making a huge difference in the lives of many people who now read The Daily Love, including myself.

The Daily Love is a subscription to daily emails that are filled with inspiration and powerful quotes that lift the spirits of many. Thank you Mastin!

I was waiting to blog about TDL for quite sometime now and because I came across this article on The Huffington Post, I finally did tonight.

You can also follow @MastinKipp and @TheDailyLove on Twitter.

Don't forget to subscribe to The Daily Love to begin receiving your daily dose of love ;)