Coach was my first designer handbag love. My first handbag was this beautiful all white hobo with beautiful shiny gold hardware which I have now handed down to my sister. (I will take a photo and post it when I get time!)
That was in the 8th.. or 9th grade so it's been about 5 years now. Since then and studying my Vogue magazines and discovering my love for the high end fashion brands I've managed to love Miu Miu (my first), Rebecca Minkoff (my obsession), Chanel (my dream), and Balenciaga (my other dream).
Well, I came across the Spanish Moss blog and while browsing through their entries I came across this beautiful photo of this fringey bag!
It's the KRYSTAL’S FRINGE SHOULDER BAG retailing for $498. You can order it now here. My eyes immediately spotted the signature Coach keychain and was in shock. I think an old flame just got relight!