I have this list. This list is called "Things To Do Before I Die". On this list of tasks there was this one:
[ ] Go to a taping of a talk show(s)
I decided to make Ellen Degeneres my first. Went online and signed up for tickets using my own, the bff's, sister's, mom and dad and bff's name got pulled! We received a letter in the mail for 4 "standby" tickets.
It said that were suppose to be there by 3:30pm and we arrived an hour early to 3oo+ people who already made it there earlier than us. Lesson learned, go 3+ hours early if you have "standby" tickets. There are 3 groups: standby, guaranteed, and VIP. I have no idea how VIP works but basically "standby" is for people who get a number and if you go VERY early you have a higher chance of getting in. Guaranteed is for people who's been there once before as a "standby" and returned because they couldn't make it into the show. That's what happened to us so we're rescheduled to return to the next taping which is in a month but that's okay because the guests on the show today weren't all that impressive.
I felt like such a waste of a day though. We spent all day waiting and waiting and waiting and got into the studio but instead of being in the audience we were put in a room with the gift shop and just watched the recording of the show. Atleast give us a free ELLEN hoodie or something?! Grr.
Mother nature also arrived today for her monthly visit. That explains my bitterness.