
Getting back into shape!

I've never paid attention to the "look" of my body until lately, during the end of 2oo9. I know started gaining weight in high school but I had dance to keep me in a healthy shape. Since college I have tried to go hiking once in a while, jogging, doing yoga but there's just not enough time in a day for me. I also realized that eatting was my comfort zone and so I began this bad habit of eatting to the point where I couldn't breathe anymore.. that later resulted to naps and so forth. On top of having my reflection tell me, my dad, who pays attention to the most random things told me how my face has been looking bigger + my aunts told me the same during their visit in the summer. Ok, it's serious when others around you start telling you.

I'm a girl who LOVES food. I never understood bulimia or anorexia patients, seriously? Food is amazing!!!

My new habits of cutting down my portions of food and hoping to exercising more is not so I can look better but feel better. Many classmates and I have this conversation at school about how it isn't about how we look but how we FEEL. When your unhealthy you feel lazier and more unproductive.

This week was the start of February & I've made this new plan to follow to help me get back into shape. Especially with summer coming.. and this bathing suite from Victoria's Secret which is just beautiful.

The runways are showing that there will be lots of asymmetrical shapes and cut outs in swimwear this season!

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